Friday, May 27, 2011

Finally, the recipe I promised!

What is one of your favorite summer thirst quenchers?

. . . if you answered Sangria that would be correct. But it is NOT the answer I was looking for. I was looking for a little more PG rated drink. You know, one that you've had since you were a kid. That drink that was just right after swimming in the pool and playing kickball outside all day. Mhm.  Strawberry Lemonade.

The best friend and I made the most perfect summer cupcake. You guessed it: STRAWBERRY LEMONADE CUPCAKES.

I'm going to skimp a bit and be lazy and give you the recipes and directions via links. What we did was we combined two recipes and added one thing to each recipe. The cake part was a delicious lemon cake, not too tart, not too sweet (you can get the recipe here). What did we add to make it our own? About two LARGE strawberries finely chopped. 

As for the frosting? The frosting was taken from a different place and it was amazing. Strawberry cream cheese frosting. I am a HUGE fan of cream cheese frostings, so this was right up my ally. The strawberries gave it such an excellent flavor. So fresh and mildly tart with a touch of sweetness. What did we add? about a quarter of a squeezed fresh lemon.

WARNING: make sure you use a FOOD PROCESSOR as it said in the directions. We made the mistake of thinking a blender would do the trick. We were very mistaken. The result was that it was a little watery. Flavor was still excellent, but the texture just wasn't up to par. If you don't have a food processor, you're better off just chopping up the strawberries very fine and throwing them in. That's better than pureeing them into a juice-like substance!

I was definitely a fan of these! I think you all should make them and let me know what you think!

This is what we listened to while baking these delectable cupcakes (along with a collection of other Glee songs):

1 comment:

  1. Is this from "how sweet it is blog"? I want to make these-NOW! Actually, I want our baking/cooking evenings-NOW! This blog post also reminds me to remind you that you're adorable and I love your life!
