Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First of the New Year

It's been a while since I've posted! I keep meaning to, but things just get in the way. One goal for 2012: blog more. However, I'm not going to make this post about the New Year's Resolutions I might not keep. I have a few resolutions tucked away, but they'll be for me. I don't want to put all of these goals for the new year on here because there will probably be a few that are a little outlandish. I don't want to be a failure to all of you! So in the planner (that I don't have just yet) they will go!

Anyway, here's a little photo re-cap of the last couple weeks of 2011!

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Gingerbread House


New Year's

It really has been an amazing couple weeks since being home. Other than work, everything has been perfect. Hanging with friends and family, relaxing, eating delicious food. Everything. I couldn't ask for better friends or family. I can't believe how fast this break is going! It's unreal.

 As for the rest of my day? Researching a few things (mayyybbeeee part of my resolutions), cleaning my room, going to the gym, then hanging out, probably re-painting my nails. Obviously online browsing for some of these things and maybe these as well. I'm obsessed.

I have not yet read The Hunger Games, but I heard it was absolutely fantastic from many people. I'm almost thinking of picking it up and seeing what all the hype is about. I haven't decided yet. Anyway, here's a song that is apparently from the soundtrack. It's T Swift and The Civil Wars. It sounds very Civil-Wars-esque rather than TSwift-esque. I think I like it.

What are you doing today? How were your holidays?

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